
Contact details and privacy statement

For general enquiries about the Calderdale Green Party please email the Secretary.

For press enquiries about the Calderdale Green Party please email the Press Officer.

Privacy statement

Calderdale Green Party may hold personal data relating to the electorate living in Calderdale. It may receive this data via the electoral register or through contacts with electors who consent to give their personal details in the course of canvassing or other activities of the party. It may use this personal data to speak to or to provide information to electors in connection with any activity which encourages democratic engagement as provided for in section 8(e) of the Data Protection Act 2018. If you wish to correct or restrict the ways in which Calderdale Green Party might use any personal data it holds about you, please contact the Secretary.

If you are dissatisfied with the reply you receive you can contact the Information Commissioner.

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