Calderdale’s first Green Councillor pledges to prioritise community and climate

Calderdale Green Party is celebrating after seeing its first councillor elected. The party won in Northowram and Shelf ward after its candidate Martin Hey defeated long standing Conservative councillor, Stephen Baines, by a margin of just 7 votes to record its first seat on the Council.

Carla Denyer and Martin Hey

Reacting to his win, Martin Hey said:

‘I’m delighted to become the first Green councillor elected to Calderdale Council. The Greens have been making gains across the country and it’s fantastic to see the people of Halifax also choose Green representation for the first time.

‘As the first Green on the council, I am proud that voters in Northowram, Shelf, Claremount and Shibden have put their trust in me and I will do everything I can to make Calderdale a fairer and greener place, as well as shaking things up a bit.’

Martin Hey’s priorities over the next four years will be seeking to change Council plans to build thousands of new homes on green spaces across the borough, many in his own ward, and making congested roads safer. Earlier this year, he launched a petition to reduce the speed limit at accident blackspot Stone Chair roundabout, with Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer.

He puts his win down to the fact that voters feel disillusioned and let down by the two main parties, whilst there is a growing awareness about the need for urgent action to tackle climate change.

‘People are turning to the Greens because they know that we work hard for communities and don’t take their support for granted. It came up time and time again on doorsteps that residents feel ignored by the Conservatives and Labour and want to see more done to tackle the cost of living and climate crisis. As a Green, I will be able to scrutinise and challenge Council plans more and stand up for local communities who want a better future for their loved ones and the planet.’

Email Martin Hey or contact him via Twitter:@martinhey1966 or by phone 07840 743297.

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