
Restorative justice is green justice

John Hudson, Secretary of Calderdale Green Party, gave a presentation to an open meeting held on Tuesday, 3 August 2021 on the subject of Restorative justice is green justice.

A good starting point for understanding the current state of restorative justice is the European Forum for Restorative Justice website.

Notes of his presentation are available in: Restorative justice is green justice

Universal Basic Income

Natalie Bennett, Former Leader of the Green Party, addressed a public meeting held on Tuesday, 3 July 2018 in Halifax on the subject of Universal Basic Income.

Notes of her talk are available in Universal Basic Income.

Human Rights Act / Bill of Rights

The Tories talk of replacing the Human Rights Act with a Bill of Rights. At the local party meeting on 1 December 2015, John Hudson introduced the Human Rights Act Flat Pack produced by the Green Party to support local party campaigning against the Tory proposal along with a background paper on the issues.



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