Calling all Young Greens in Calderdale

Some young people are keen to set up a local Young Greens group. If you are 30 or under and interested in finding out more or getting involved, please get in touch.

We’re hoping the new Young Greens group will help improve our social media presence and communications and marketing activity. Organising locally will also make it easier to meet peers regionally and nationally.

The Young Greens are a dynamic, semi-autonomous section of the party which run their own events and training, and have skilled up many leading Greens, including co-leader Carla Denyer.

Their motto is ‘Don’t just get angry, get active!’

The Young Greens are re-launching a regional group in Leeds University on Saturday 22 February at 3pm; so it is an excellent time to get involved! If you fancy going along to the launch with some local members, including Martin Hey who is speaking at the event, email the Membership Officer.

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