Dan Wood wins comfortably in Northowram & Shelf

Dan Wood secured a very comfortable victory in Northowram and Shelf, becoming the second Green Councillor on Calderdale Council, after Martin Hey won a seat in May 2022.

Dan gained a 63% share of the vote with many who may have voted differently in the past helping him to get over the line.

Thank you to all those who supported our Crowdfunder. Your faith in us has been amply rewarded.

Dan Wood

Dan says:

‘I’m thrilled to be given the opportunity to serve the people of Calderdale, I’m looking forwards to fighting unnecessary developments on green spaces, standing up for marginalised people in our society and improving the environment in which we live both locally and beyond.

‘I just want to say thank you, thank you to Elaine and Martin Hey for organising, and supporting my campaign. Thank you to Mark Mullany for being the hardest working campaigner in the Green Party, and possibly in local politics full stop. Thank you to the army of volunteers who have walked hundreds or even thousands of miles leafleting, canvassing and everything else. Thank you to the local party for selecting me, and Martin again for convincing me to run in the first place.

‘Thank you to every single local person who believed in me enough to put a cross in that box yesterday.

‘Most of all thank you to my wife for putting up with me and this campaign, and my daughter for always being the little ray of sunshine I need when I eventually get home.

‘Let’s keep making Calderdale greener!’

Local News

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