Green Party calls for a green infrastructure programme, 10 years after 2008 economic crisis

We welcome the report by The Green New Deal Group which, if implemented, would mean hundreds of new skilled ‘green’ jobs across Calderdale.

The Green New Deal Group, whose members include Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas MP and tax campaigner Professor Richard Murphy, launched a report* calling for a programme of investment in green infrastructure across the country.

Ten years ago this week the Lehman Brothers’ collapse heralded the worst global economic crisis since the 1930s – the political, economic and social effects of which are still being felt today.

To help ensure these adverse trends are reversed it is crucial to return a sense of hope for the future, both through the provision of economic security for all and at the same time protecting the environment.

The Green New Deal Group believes a key part of this should be the urgent consideration and adoption green infrastructure programme which could benefit the whole country.

This would involve programmes to make the UK’s 30 million buildings super-energy-efficient, accelerating the shift to renewable electricity supplies and storage and tackling the housing crisis by building affordable, properly insulated new homes.

A transport policy would need to rebuild local public transport links, properly maintain the UK’s road and rail system and encourage a shift to electric vehicles.

Such diverse economic activity would not only improve social cohesion and environmental sustainability but should also make our economy more resilient in the face of any repeat of the economic crisis of a decade ago.

* Full report here. 

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